Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grocereveal # 3

                I found this gem outside of a Walmart, on the food side.  It was folded into four and I knew before I even picked it up exactly what it was.   It has footprints on it from having been stepped on and for all I know it was probably run over as well.   So what are we looking at here?
                This is a typed up, fairly simple shopping list for the week.   The names that appear on here are Kenzie and Mika, who are presumably the kids.   This is a somewhat organized shopping list from numbers one through thirty about what is for food for the week.    Only a few items stand out to me (mostly the crossed out stuff) and I’m going to make my prediction on this one early.
                I’m going to say that while this shopping list was made by the mother herself, it most likely comes from a family of four- mom, dad and two kids previously named- who are most likely white and leaning toward the side of… I don’t want to use terms like “redneck” or “country”, but they definitely have an authentic Texan attitude to their list, as they had “brisquet” listed and crossed out.  Also, the ranch style beans (four cans) and French bread really tip them off.   No one outside of whitey eats French bread.
                So what strikes me as odd in this list?  First off, charcoal is crossed off in favor of cinnamon oatmeal bars.   It goes along with the “brisquet” and “rub for brisquet” (Again, rub seems like a Texas word) being crossed off also, so I guess no BBQ this week kids.   Cherry Jello being crossed off isn’t a big deal, but beef jerky kind of is.  I mean, it’s right next to Slim Jims.   Do you really need both?  I know they’re not the same thing, but come on, pick one.   The half gallon of milk is gone, as well as sausage for Mika’s breakfast (Sorry Mika, time to eat oatmeal bars).    The most disturbing cross out perhaps comes at the very end where grape juice is replaced by spray starch.  “But Mommy… We can’t drink spray starch!!”
                This list is pretty cut and dry and with a husband a two kids in tow, it’s only odd that this list flew out of the shopping cart or her purse when she left Walmart.  It seems so much like it should have been misplaced or ripped up on purpose before then.

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